четверг, 3 декабря 2015 г.

For Further Research

As there is an immense quantity of information related to how social media can cause depression, I would like to recommend you some web pages which can tell you about the correlation between social media and depression as well. First one is a website called “Social Media May Lead to Teen Depression,” it describes the research which was led by people from the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom how social media affects teens. They found that those teens “who were extremely active in social media are the ones who have the worst sleep quality and are vulnerable to anxiety and depression”. (Charissa 2015) Moreover, this article explains a new term “FOMO” which is defined as a fear of missing out what means that teens feel anxiety because are afraid of missing something important and interesting on social media. I think this website will explain some new information to you!
The second article which I think will interest you called “Is “Facebook Depression” For Real?””. As you already guessed, in this article it is said about the most popular social network Facebook which causes depression. According to Jennifer, Facebook makes teens feel unpopular because of “likes”, pictures, posts, status updates, and etc. Also, it has negative effects on tends and kids because they start to compare themselves with others on this social network. In a short word, Facebook causes depression indeed, and moreover, it affects more those teens that already have mental diseases. So, I’m pretty sure that this article will open to you something more new and interesting about such a social network as Facebook and its effects on children and teens.
Finally, the third one is called “Stories of 7 Teen Suicides Because of Ask.fm bullying?” It sounds horrible, does not it? This website is different from others which I mentioned above. It contains different terrible stories of teens how they ended their life because of cyberbullying. It proves one more time how social media can be harmful for teens indeed. When you visit this website, you will see and read the stories which have the same end. I think, by visiting this website, it will make you think differently of social media, be more responsible for what you are saying on social networks and be able to warn others of it.

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